Spend less time in online meetings, and more time on what matters

MyCheckins helps your team stay organized and focused – while giving you greater transparency into projects, progress, and problems.

$0 per user

Up to 10 check-in members

  • Up to 10 check-in members
  • No credit-card required. No hidden catches.
  • Unlimited teams and check-ins
Get started – it’s free
$1.99 per user

Up to 500 check-in members

  • Everything in FREE PLAN plus..
  • Up to 500 check-in members
  • 30-day free trial, no credit card required
  • Priority team support
Start free trial
🎯 Enterprise plan
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Get a tailor-made quote for you

  • Everything in PAID PLAN plus..
  • No limit on number of users
  • Dedicated team support
  • Enterprise-grade security
Schedule a demo

Join leading companies building high-performing teams with MyCheckins

Searching for the right reasons to try MyCheckins?

Here’s a handful of reasons we’re the best choice to help teams save time and stay focused.

We’re team focused. All day. Every day. From day one.

We’re building technology for the future of remote work.

MyCheckins is as easy to implement as it is to use.

Pricing FAQs

A list of  most commonly asked questions. About everything.

Does the free plan require a credit card?

No, it doesn't. The free plan does not require you to share any payment information. You can sign-up within minutes and start using our product with your team. You will have full access to all features and no limits - as long as you have 10 check-in members or fewer.

I am in the free plan and want to upgrade to Paid plan. Do I need to pay for the first 10 users?

Yes, when you upgrade to the Paid plan, you need to pay for all the users. For example, in the the free plan you have 8 users. If you need to upgrade to Paid plan to add up to 12 users, you need to pay for all the 12 users.

How do I try the Paid Plan?

You can try it by clicking on the "Get started today" button above. The paid plan comes with a 30-day free trial. You can get started without a credit card.

Once the trial period is over, you can decide if you want to set up your credit card for payments. If not, you can downgrade to Free plan.

How can I cancel my subscription? If I cancel, will I be billed for the full month?

You can cancel your subscription any time by going into the Settings -> Subscription page on the MyCheckins App, or uninstalling the bot from Slack or Microsoft Teams.

We bill you only at the end of the month. If you decide to cancel early, you will only be billed only for the days you used the product, and not for the entire month.

How do I invite my team?

You can get MyCheckins by clicking on the "Add to Slack" or "Add to Teams" buttons at the bottom of this page. Once you click, it just takes 2 minutes to set up!

“MyCheckins eliminated the need to have a morning meeting with my team. I read the updates posted by my team when I start my day. It takes 3 minutes and gives me confidence that we're all on the same page.”

Michael Rodinaro
Founder and CEO at Parkday